Highlight the achievements of the military governments in Nigeria

The military achieved considerable successes
in building up -Nigeria. Some examples of the
achievements of the Military governments
are listed below:

  • Education: the military government
    launched the Universal Primary Education.  More Schools, Polytechnics and universities were also built in
    the era of military government.
  • Infrastructural development: there was massive
    construction of roads, hospitals and provision of water
    and electricity.
  •  Agriculture was also boosted
    through operation feed the nation, Better 
    Life  for  Rural  
    Dwellers   and   DFFRI Programmes.
  •  Restructuring of the public services to make it more
    efficient and accountable is another area of
    achievement by the military.
  •  Sanitation of the Nigerian
    Financial and banking system through the Failed Bank Decree to
    restore Confidence into our banking system.
  • Promotion of small scale and
    cottage industries through the National Directorate of
    Employment, People’s Bank and Family Economic Advancement
  • The military also reformed the Local Government System
    in 1976, 1986 and 1988.
  •  State creation is another
    achievement of military government. Presently, there are 36 states
    in Nigeria. Local Governments were also created to satisfy the
    Yearnings of the people.Over 700 local government now
    exist in Nigeria.

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