In what ways have political parties contributed to the constitutional development of Nigeria?

  • Political parties formed government in their
    various regions under the 1951 constitution. This
    formed the basis for self government in 1957 and 1959 and
    eventually independence in 1960. 
  • Political parties provided the leadership for
    constitutional development i.e. their members spearheaded
    agitation for constitutional reforms e.g. 1946 Richards
    constitution in Nigeria was criticised for Sack of
    consultation. This was subsequently corrected in the 1951
  • Parties initiated popular opposition against
    colonial government e.g. the Richards constitution of
    1946 was described by party leaders as containing
    obnoxious laws and these were removed in the 1951
  • They provided political education through
    rallies and news papers owned by their leaders. 
  • The political parties provided leaders who
    attended constitutional conferences for the attainment
    of political independence e.g. the Ibadan conference of
    1951 and the  
    London conference of 1953 and 1957

    1. parties manifestos helps the government of a
      country in formulating its policies.
    2. It helps in passing information on government
      policies to members of the public.
    3. It helps to appoint leaders and personnel to
      the legislative council.

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